Ask Away

The Talking Mirror is a reader supported advice column, which means I only answer questions submitted by current subscribers. The Talking Mirror RELIES on question submissions, without your questions, I have no answers to offer.

You are invited and encouraged to ask freely. Take your time to compose your question or let it pour out of you in a kind of free-write. Ask only once in your submission period or come here once a month — heck! you could ask once per week.

I cannot guarantee that your question will be answered, but I do my best to get to most submissions. I am inspired by all sorts of questions and have approached topics such as:

art, wildness, maturity, friendship, co-dependence, sobriety, beauty, god, prayer, death, fantasy, monogamy, motherhood, gardening, mindfulness and identity

This submission form is completely anonymous. If you want to include your name or alias, that is your choice to make. Generally, if a name is included, I publish it. You may also email me directly at


or send your letter via post

Chatterbox Press PO Box 303, Cedar MI 49621